Your March update from the Center of Hope
This month, learn about a donation from the Holy Family Catholic Church Knights of Columbus, meet staff member Vickey Alexander, find out more about a new grant to build a path around our produce garden, and get ready for our annual Rockford for the Center Family Festival and Cash Raffle
Center of Hope receives $2,809 donation
The Holy Family Catholic Church Knights of Columbus presented a $2,809 check to the Barbara Olson Center of Hope on Monday, March 14. READ MORE
Meet Vickey Alexander
Vickey Alexander is a Lead Job Coach at the Center of Hope and has been on the staff for 14 years. We asked Vickey to share some of her thoughts about the Center. READ MORE
Autism Speaks awards a $3,690 grant for garden path
Autism Speaks awarded the Center of Hope $3,690 through the Norma and Malcolm Baker Recreation Grant for the Center’s Community Inclusion Project. READ MORE
Get ready for the Sixth Annual Rock for the Center & Cash Raffle
Mark your calendars. Rock for the Center is presented by Barbara Olson Center of Hope on Sunday, May 1, 2022. READ MORE