Meet Sue Rohl
Sue Rohl is participant services/nursing assistant at the Center of Hope. She will be celebrating her 22nd anniversary in November. We asked Sue about her time at the Center.
Please describe your role at the Center. To help families and group homes with new referrals, I make sure we receive all paperwork needed to have them in enroll. I am responsible for our client data base and keeping our records updated with any changes. Sending out new releases every year. I am responsible for creating various reports and documents for our agency. I also work in Nursing and help Triage calls and various other duties.
What is the biggest change you’ve seen over the years? The programs we once were able to have for our participants. There has been a big change in what we use to offer them, i.e.: Ceramics, Moments Remembered, Community Employment, and the different variety of classes that they enjoyed. The state of Illinois and Dept of Human Services have a different view on what they feel as to what our participants should be doing and also being capable of doing.
What keeps you at the Center? The participants are the highlight of me staying in this field. They can turn a bad day into a bright cheery day. To be grateful for what we able to provide for them as an agency. I come to work every day in honor of my brother, David, who was also developmentally delayed and we lost to cancer in 2003.