Meet Julie Merriman
Julie Merriman is an accounting assistant at the Center of Hope and has been on the staff almost seven years. We asked Julie to share some of her thoughts about the Center.
Please describe your role at the Center. I have had a couple positions at the Center. I started out as the receptionist and when a position for accounting assistant came I eagerly jumped at it and so I am currently one of the accounting assistants.
Why did you choose this field? Growing up, my youngest brother had special needs. Then my youngest son was diagnosed autistic. This population holds my heart.
What advice would you give someone who is interested in working at the Center? If you want a job that is highly rewarding this is definitely a great place! It’s a must to remember that WE ALL have good and bad days no matter who we are or what disability we may have. But to see the smiles on each face as they to come to work every day…well this is what gets me up in the morning! I want to come to work to make a difference in THEIR lives!
What is the biggest change you’ve seen over the years? I remember when I first started, we had quite a few participants with behavior issues. Over the years with changes made to rooms, staff and I think allowing our participants to have a voice and a choice, this has helped out significantly.
We have had many changes at the Center, COVID being the major one. I remember being so worried we may have to close permanently. I worried about our participants the most! I miss them dearly. I can remember us all working hard to make sure that when we did reopen our participants would be comfortable, happy and safe. It was awesome to see all the staff work together like a well-oiled machine. I thank god every day we are open and here to serve our participants.
What keeps you at the Center? The participants keep me here! It’s been almost seven years and even when faced with a pandemic I still came to work FOR them. Even if they were not here! I still wake with a smile on my face and go to bed with a smile on my face each and every day knowing our participants impact my life. I can only pray I impact them as much as they do me.
Anything else you’d like us to know? I have been blessed with some amazing coworkers, bosses and friends. We really are one big family!!